Install and config eSignerCKA in silent mode You have to run this command line as administrator 1. Setup eSigner CKA in silent mode "SSL.COM eSigner CKA_1.0.3.exe" /VERYSILENT 2. Config account information "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSL Corp eSigner CKA\eSignerCKATool.exe" config -mode sandbox -user "UserName" -pass "Password" -totp "TOTP secret key" -key "path-to-folder-store-master-key-file" "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSL Corp eSigner CKA\eSignerCKATool.exe" config -mode sandbox -user "UserName" -pass "Password" -totp "TOTP secret key" -key "path-to-folder-store-master-key-file" -r Options: mode : Sandbox or product user : UserName pass : Password topt : TOTP secret key key : Path to file store master key -r : Overwrite master key file Example: eSignerCKATool.exe config -mode sandbox -user "" -pass "passowrd" -totp "mI0KkB8...JW1oNgbUfQCwJU=" -key "C:\Users\Desktop\master_key.txt" 3. Load certificate into windows store "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSL Corp eSigner CKA\eSignerCKATool.exe" load 4. Unload certificate from windows store "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSL Corp eSigner CKA\eSignerCKATool.exe" unload v1.0.4 - Update log module v1.0.7 - Added feature allowing users to choose installation mode - Added feature allowing users to update master key file (for automatic mode) - Support all certificates: EVCS, DS, Eseal - Support digital signing on software such as Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, Microsoft Office,...